Access to /enderchest
Access to /craft
Access to /pweather
Access to /nick (w/ RGB formatting)
Access to /dc (Donor chat)
Access to /nv (night vision)
Access to /ptime
Access to /ilock
Access to /trash or /disposal
Access to /headdb
Access to /back
Access to /fix hand
Access to /feed
Access to /heal
Access to /near
Access to 13 Player Warps
Access to 30 Player Vaults
Access to 35 sethomes
Access to 30 Auction House Slots
Ability to claim 25 Furnaces, 40 Smokers, 40 Blast Furnaces
Ability to Silk Touch Spawners
Ability to have Colored Sign using (1-9, a-f)
Ability to keep inventory
Ability to join all jobs
Bypass teleportation delay
100% mcmmo bonus
Last updated